"I started Dance Care Australia because I wanted to help dancers solve their problems with body confidence, performance anxiety, career guidance and injury rehabilitation."
- Caitlin Thamm (Founder of Dance Care Australia)
As a previous dancer, there's no one better to walk through those challenges with.
Dance Care Australia supports and empowers the dancing community to overcome the daily challenges of the industry.
by validating their experiences and drawing out the strengths that already exist within them, they have the opportunity to become the best dancer they can be.
what people have said
"...thank you for the work you have done with me this year. ... I keep everything you say in my mind and try to always apply it when I’m dancing. ... it’s possible I would have stopped dancing and I would never be experiencing this feeling now. Thank you for always holding a space for me. "
~ 26, Female, Australia.
It's so nice to have someone to talk to! You have made such an amazing place to talk!"
"It has been great talking with you - the messages we have exchanged have certainly helped a lot, and it is wonderful to speak with someone who understands dance and so forth."
"I've been doing Irish dancing for 7yrs now and I've finally made the decision to stop this year and go to uni and I'm so nervous because it's been such a big part of my life for so long! Reading your story though has given me a lot of hope and positive vibes for my future outside of dance. So, Thank you! Just wanted to say that I really appreciate you starting this project as not many people touch on the mental impact dance can have on you."